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War of Words between Ruling Party and Opposition
  Written By: Hasan AL-Zaidi  ( YEMEN POST STAFF ) 
  Article Date:
September 15, 2008



Within the frame of the ongoing crisis between both sides, the opposition parties block represented by the Joint Meeting Parties and the ruling party – the General People Congress (GPC) started a war of words especially after they failed to reach any agreement over the formation of the Supreme Commission for Elections and Referendum (SCER).

The JMP denounced what it described as the bogus media campaign launched by the ruling party and emphasized their rejection for the illegal acts undertaken by the SCER.

The statement also stressed that the commission is illegitimate especially when it was only formed by the ruling party alone, hinting that the GPC has exploited all state resources.

In its turn, the ruling party, and in a similar statement released, renewed its welcome of any observations and opinions that would help upgrade the electoral work at the top of which are those proposed by the European Union and stipulated in the agreement of principles signed following the 2006 presidential elections.

The statement added that JMP took these observations as a plea for turning to other issues which have no link to them, seeking to inset them within the European Union's recommendations. It stressed as well that the opposition parties seek to hinder the dialogue. 

It further accused the JMP of trying to hamper the elections, distort the democratic experience without caring less about the national responsibility and assured that they exploited the GPC's concessions and attempts to achieve reconciliation for creating a crisis and make conditioned political deals outside laws and constitution.

Not forgetting to call all political forces and civil society organizations to act positively with election preparations, the ruling party emphasized that there is still time for including any amendments or observations to elections law, especially when these observations (amendments) are part of the second phase of the electoral process including nomination, voting and vote-counting.

It seems that the current crisis between GPC and JMP has entered a phase of exchanging insults and is timed with the Ramadan political events conducted by these parties. 

In their statement, the opposition parties asserted that they set an extended action plan to stand against the media misconduct as well as the violations of law and constitution and what remained of the democratic margin. They called for reacting against such acts and trailing those who commit them.

Moreover, they accused the ruling party of exploiting state institutions and public money in their interest, hinting such acts do threaten the social peace and security.

For his part, Vice-president Abdu Rabu Hadi expressed his hope that JMP is keen about safeguarding the democratic experience because the democratic tendencies were associated with unity, warning that any postponement of elections would harm such tendencies.

The crisis is expected to be eased, especially after President Saleh ordered the release of prisoners over the unrest events that occurred in southern provinces and this measure could lead opposition parties to enter a political deal with the ruling party through the president himself, leading them later to participate in the forthcoming parliamentary elections.