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Backed By JMP, Ibb Protests Denounce Coup Against Democracy
  Written By:  Fuad Rajeh (YEMEN POST STAFF) 
  Article Date:
December 01, 2008



Many demonstrations were held in various districts of Ibb province  in protest against what protestors claim is the election expropriation and the coup against  democracy.

Thousands of people rallied in the Thi Sufal district, Al-Qaeda city, denouncing the government's measures to tackle the economic and political crises the country is experiencing. At the rally, Abdul Salam al-Khadiri delivered the speech of the Opposition's Party Coalition, Joint Meeting Parties JMP, in which he said the gathering came as a result of the  state's deteriorating conditions in the country  and that it was evidence for the sense of national responsibility.

He called on what he labeled as the ruling party wise men to put the country's interests ahead of their own and narrow party interests. However, the gathering's communiqué affirmed the importance of the public alignment to pull the country out of devastating policies created by the current government and the ruling party. The statement said standing differences will not be  tackled except by a peaceful  transition of power as well as fair, transparent and free elections.