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Families Left Homeless In Hudaida As Authorities Destroy Their Homes

  Written By: (YEMEN POST STAFF) 
  Article Date:
February 03, 2009


Dozens of families in the western province of Hudaida have been left homeless after backhoes that were guarded by many troops destroyed their homes in a north area in the province. 

Websites said that the area was largely devastated as the backhoes eliminated everything; the people’s homes along with all properties at them.

The people in the area were shocked because they were not notified before that such measure would be taken.

As the backhoes were accompanied by many troops from the Central Security Forces, the appeals of the people were met by oppression.

Influential officials tried many times before to take over our lands in this area and displace us but they failed and now they came supported by government orders to do so, people in the area said.

They made clear they know now the area would be sold to an investor to build a park and a dump in it.

On the other hand, no injuries have been reported as exchange of fire took place between people in the Damt town of Al-Dhale province and troops guarding a contractor assigned to set up a fuel station on lands the people claim they own.

Local sources in the province accuse military leaders of continuous taking over people’ lands to establish a fuel station for the Yemeni Petroleum Company.

After the contractor started to deliver materials for the construction of the station in the area, people realized their appeals would not be heard and then opened fire on the troops accompanying the contractor.

The troops returned fire at the people but no one from the two sides were killed or injured.

Later two people of the owners of the lands were seized but the two were released for YR 150.000.