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Rebels Accuse Government of Delaying Release of Detainees
  Written By: Fuad Rajeh (YEMEN POST STAFF) 
  Article Date:
February 09, 2009



Almost two weeks after the two parties signed an agreement for releasing each side's detainees and despite local sources affirming that 12 Houthi rebels have been freed by authorities, a spokesman for the rebel leader has accused the government of delaying the release of all Houthi detainees.

The spokesman said the government is postponing the release of all the detainees who were seized during clashes with government troops in the last period of the conflict, saying the authorities have not yet set free any of the detainees.

"We hope the government fulfils its promises and releases all Houthi prisoners and that it deals with the initiative of Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, the rebel leaders, launched two weeks ago as he released 30 soldiers, positively," the spokesman said.

Many Houthi detainees are been held at government prisons for several years but their suffering is unheard which is considered a mistake by the government, the spokesman said in a statement, urging human rights organizations to move and deal with the issue partially.

Almost two weeks ago, official sources said that Houthi rebels freed 30 soldiers of those who were arrested during clashes with the rebels in the northern province of Saada in return that the government will release 300 Houthi detainees.

On July 17, 2008, President Ali Abdullah Saleh declared an end for the fighting in northern Yemen between Houthi rebels and troops.

President Saleh proposed a ceasefire that the rebels accepted ending a three-year conflict. Since then, the authorities started the reconstruction of the war-damaged areas.