The Minister of Interior Abdul-Kader Qahtan has ordered to swiftly send two units of the Central Security with all their military equipment to the capital of Lahj, Al-Huta, to maintain security and stability, the Interior Ministry has said in its website.
The ministry said it will send the forces as it had information about the growth of Al-Qaeda in Al-Houta and its outskirts, pointing out that Commander of the Southern Region requested sending reinforcements to prevent the repeating of Abyan's events in other governorate.
Meanwhile, the life was paralyzed in the main road linking between Aden and Abyan due to the confrontations between military units of the Southern Region and Al-Qaeda operatives.
Media sources said that the military units launch wide-range strikes against terrorist groups connected to Al-Qaeda in Wadi Dafoos, Jaar and Zinjbar of Abyan governorate, pointing out that the military forces made remarkable progress against Al-Qaeda militants.
The ministry said security forces in Aden have put on high alert to encounter all possibilities.
Militants linked to al Qaeda had launched strikes on positions of the Yemeni military, killing more that 105 soldiers and controlled several military positions in some districts of the southern governorate of Abyan.
Local sources said the militants paraded military hardware seized in the attacks, pointing out that they captured 70 soldiers in their raids against the positions on Sunday.
Abyan governorate, the birthplace of the new Yemen president Abdu Rabo Mansour Hadi, has been the site of regular clashes between the army and Al-Qaeda militants, despite government claims to have cleansed the city from militants last September.