Home > Numbers
  Written By:   ( YEMEN POST STAFF ) 
  Article Date: February 18, 2008 



YR 12.5 Million

The amount court ruled that the Supreme Election Committee must pay previous presidential candidate Yahaya Al-Azab


The number of dead or injured in Dhamar when a refrigerator for banana storage exploded.



Number of dead due to nose bleed in Dhamar governorate during the last week. No investigation on the details of their deaths has taken place.


Nearly 400 Teachers

In Taiz who protested in front of education building in Taiz demanding they get their salaries.



Boxes of Ammunition that were seized by security forces near the Hodieda-Harath Road suspected to be on its way to Saa’da to aid the Houthis.


Citizens who were imprisoned in Mualla, Aden for distributing flyers and booklets asking locals to boycott the Aden Music Festival.


The number of newspapers in Denamrk this week that published cartoon pictures of Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him)


Teenage girls who drowned in Aden this week. All three girls were from Ibb, and one of them was getting married in Aden that week.


Tourists in France who cancelled their trip to Yemen due to warnings from their government for traveling to Yemen.


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